Human DcR3/TNFRSF6B transcript variant M68E Gene ORF cDNA clone expression plasmid,N terminal HA tag

Catalog Number:HGC093-NY

NCBI Ref Seq
RefSeq ORF Size
Gene Synonym
TNFRSF6B, M68, TR6, DCR3, DJ583P15.1.1
Sequence Description
Identical with the Gene Bank Ref. ID sequence.
Full length Clone DNA of Human tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 6b, decoy, transcript variant M68E Gene ORF cDNA clone expression plasmid,N terminal HA tag
Enhanced CMV mammalian cell promoter
Restriction Site
Protein Tag
Tag Sequence
Sequencing Primers
Quality Control
The plasmid is confirmed by full-length sequencing.
HA Tag Information

Human influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is a surface glycoprotein required for the infectivity of the human virus. The HA tag is derived from the HA-molecule corresponding to amino acids 98-106 has been extensively used as a general epitope tag in expression vectors. Many recombinant proteins have been engineered to express the HA tag, which does not appear to interfere with the bioactivity or the biodistribution of the recombinant protein. This tag facilitates the detection, isolation, and purification of the proteins.

The actual HA tag is as follows: 5' TAC CCA TAC GAT GTT CCA GAT TAC GCT 3' or 5' TAT CCA TAT GAT GTT CCA GAT TAT GCT 3' The amino acid sequence is: YPYDVPDYA.

Antibiotic in E.coli
Antibiotic in Mammalian cell
Stable or Transient mammalian expression
Storage & Shipping
Each tube contains lyophilized plasmid.
The lyophilized plasmid can be stored at ambient temperature for three months.
Background Information
Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6B (TNFRSF6B) also known as DcR3(Decoy Receptor 3) and M68 is the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. DcR3/TNFRSF6B belongs to the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily. The encoded protein is postulated to play a regulatory role in suppressing FasL- and LIGHT-mediated cell death. It acts as a decoy receptor that competes with death receptors for ligand binding. Over-expression of this gene has been noted in gastrointestinal tract tumors. Read-through transcription into this gene from the neighboring upstream gene, which encodes regulator of telomere elongation helicase 1 (RTEL1), generates a non-coding transcript. DcR3/TNFRSF6B is detected in fetal lung, brain and liver. DcR3/TNFRSF6B is also detected in adult stomach, spinal cord, lymph node, trachea, spleen, colon and lung. This protein is highly expressed in several primary tumors from colon, stomach, rectum, esophagus and in SW480 colon carcinoma cells.
  • Migone TS, et al. (2002) TL1A is a TNF-like ligand for DR3 and TR6/DcR3 and functions as a T cell costimulator. Immunity. 16(3): 479-92.
  • Takahama Y, et al. (2002) The prognostic significance of overexpression of the decoy receptor for Fas ligand (DcR3) in patients with gastric carcinomas. Gastric Cancer. 5(2): 61-8.
  • Zhang J, et al. (2001) Modulation of T-cell responses to alloantigens by TR6/DcR3. J Clin Invest. 107(11): 1459-68.
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