Rat VRK1 Gene ORF cDNA clone expression plasmid,N terminal OFP tag

Catalog Number:HGI389-NO

NCBI Ref Seq
RefSeq ORF Size
Gene Synonym
Sequence Description
Identical with the Gene Bank Ref. ID sequence.
Full length Clone DNA of Rat vaccinia related kinase 1 Gene ORF cDNA clone expression plasmid,N terminal OFP tag
Enhanced CMV mammalian cell promoter
Restriction Site
Protein Tag
Tag Sequence
Sequencing Primers
Quality Control
The plasmid is confirmed by full-length sequencing.
OFPSpark Tag Information

OFPSpark is a red (orange) fluorescent protein (excitation/emission maxima are 549 and 566 nm, respectively) derived from DsRed. Possessing high photostability and pH stability, OFPSpark is more than twice brighter than mOrange2. Fast OFPSpark maturation makes it clearly detectable in mammalian cells as early as within 8 hrs after transfection. OFPSpark can be expressed and detected in a wide range of organisms. Mammalian cells transiently transfected with OFPSpark expression vectors produce bright fluorescence in 8 hrs after transfection. No cytotoxic effects or visible protein aggregation are observed. For its monomer structure, OFPSpark performs well in some fusions and protein labeling applications.

Antibiotic in E.coli
Antibiotic in Mammalian cell
Stable or Transient mammalian expression
Storage & Shipping
Each tube contains lyophilized plasmid.
The lyophilized plasmid can be stored at ambient temperature for three months.
Background Information
VRK1 is a member of the vaccinia-related kinase (VRK) family of serine/threonine protein kinases. Serine/threonine protein kinases are tumor suppressor that controls the activity of AMP-activated protein kinase family members, thereby playing a role in various processes such as cell metabolism, cell polarity, apoptosis and DNA damage response. VRK1 contains 1 protein kinase domain and localizes to the nucleus. VRK1 gene is widely expressed in human tissues and has increased expression in actively dividing cells, such as those in testis, thymus, fetal liver, and carcinomas. As a serine/threonine kinase, VRK1 phosphorylates 'Thr-18' of p53/TP53 and may thereby prevent the interaction between p53/TP53 and MDM2. Defects in VRK1 are the cause of pontocerebellar hypoplasia type 1 (PCH1), also called pontocerebellar hypoplasia with infantile spinal muscular atrophy or pontocerebellar hypoplasia with anterior horn cell disease. PCH1 is characterized by an abnormally small cerebellum and brainstem, central and peripheral motor dysfunction from birth, gliosis and anterior horn cell degeneration resembling infantile spinal muscular atrophy.
  • Sugimoto J, et al. (1999) Isolation and mapping of a polymorphic CA repeat sequence at the human VRK1 locus. J Hum Genet. 44 (2): 133-4.
  • Lopez-Borges S, et al. (2000) The human vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) phosphorylates threonine-18 within the mdm-2 binding site of the p53 tumour suppressor protein. Oncogene. 19 (32): 3656-64.
  • Sevilla A, et al. (2004) c-Jun phosphorylation by the human vaccinia-related kinase 1 (VRK1) and its cooperation with the N-terminal kinase of c-Jun (JNK). Oncogene. 23 (55): 8950-8.
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